BUENA VISTA—In a unanimous decision by the Chaffee Arts Board of Directors, the Open Awards Art Show at the Buena Vista Heritage Museum Courthouse Gallery will not be held in 2020 and will be rescheduled in 2021.
The show was originally postponed to fall 2020, but the concern is that even by this fall there could still be issues with the virus and short of a vaccine, the Board didn’t want to put artists and the public at risk. This art show has drawn large crowds in the past several years and all the changes being implemented as the County re-opens, would definitely affect the event.
Chaffee Arts plans to schedule the show in the spring of 2021 but will weigh all factors before setting a date. For artists who already registered and paid their entry fee, Chaffee Arts will credit the payment to 2021. Underwriters who already donated will also be credited to the 2021 show.
The community can still see art by our talented members in several ways. The Chaffee Arts Virtual Gallery on Facebook and on the Chaffee Arts Website (www.chaffeearts.com) is currently available for the public's enjoyment. The Buena Vista Library will be hosting an exhibit by 15 Chaffee Arts members in June and July. And, AVDI Art Gallery on Main Street in Buena Vista will also be featuring members' art on their Chaffee Arts Wall throughout the summer and fall.