2018 Annual Report
Membership: We increased our members from 34 to 81 – more than double! We continue to gain new members every week as artists and those who appreciate art see the value of our organization. A membership drive was implemented to attract new members and former members to Chaffee Arts.
Community Involvement: We hosted 7 Artist Studio Tours that were open to the public. Artists were able to describe their artistic process and demonstrate some of their techniques.
Open Award Show: We hosted the largest art show in recent years with over 650 attendees during the show weekend, 100 pieces of art entered, and 50 artists represented. Over $3,000 in prize money was given to winners in 9 different categories. Local artists did art demonstrations during the show and the Opening Reception was attended by over 100 people. In addition, artists sold 15 items during the show.
Art Selling Events: We hosted Gold Rush Days, Rocky Mountain Christmas Fair, Teeny Tiny Show, and Art in Loft where art was displayed and sold. All art sales made by our members were earned with no commissions deducted.
Communication: We launched a new website which includes Member Gallery pages where artists can highlight their work. We upgraded our Facebook posts and increased our followers to 832. We also published a quarterly newsletter and had articles and news releases published in local print media.
Fundraising: We launched a fundraising campaign and raised more than $1,900 from local businesses and individuals.
Social Events: We held several meetings and a member mingle party where everyone was able to visit and enjoy both new and old friendships.
KidZart: We announced a new program in November for free art classes for middle schoolers that will kick off in January 2019. We were also able to gain funding from Operation Roundup for this new program. Our artists will volunteer their time to teach classes on Saturday mornings once a month and the sign up is located on our website.